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This morning a really nice lady at our barn lost her horse. If you follow me on Twitter, you would have seen this Twiku:
Sad news at the barn
A young horse died suddenly
Of something quite rare
The horse's owner doesn't belong to Facebook, so she can't see any tributes posted there. I thought I would use my blog to share something some of us traditionally post when a beloved animal companion dies.
So Jill-- this is for you and Lola.
Author Unknown
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your companion, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Apparently today I do not have an opinion about anything.
Believe it or not, it never occurred to me that the URL I wanted was already taken. Now I have to brainstorm!
Of course, it doesn't occur to me until midnight that staying up to wash clothes I will need tomorrow isn't very helpful if same clothes will not by dry by tomorrow.
These are my answers from the "25 Things" game on Facebook. I ran out of steam at 17.
1. For every random fact I write here, half of my Facebook friends will say, "Everyone knows THAT!" and the other half will say "I didn't know that!" So I apologize in advance for boring the pants off of half of you, half of the time.
2. In the nineties, I was a professional belly-dancer. I directed a troupe that danced at Lalapalooza, the last year that it was good. Courtney Love hit the stage as we were finishing our set, and WE STOLE HER AUDIENCE. Although I have to admit this would be a better story if she were a better act.
3. I finally own a horse! 1.5 horses, actually. (My daughter's pony is REALLY SMALL.)
4. I'm extremely chemically sensitive, and I can't enter a supermarket or Wal-Mart. If something makes me sick, it's eventualy pulled off the market and even banned for causing seizures and brain damage and cancer and mange and people's eyeballs squirting across the room, so ignore my advice at your own peril.
5. I also have a very sensitive nose. I once prevented an electrical fire at Henry's.
6. When I was a kid, I desperately wanted a wristwatch TV. Now that they have them -- eh. Not so much.
7. On the other hand, cell phones are the ANSWER TO MY PRAYERS! I've had one since '89, back when they were so big you had to pull them behind you in a little cart.
8. I do not understand people who do not have a computer at home because they "have one at work." You have CHAIRS at work, too; does that mean you don't use them at home???
9. My aortic valve gave up the ghost last year, so I had a "bovine pericardial aortic valve transplant." My surgeon is not amused when I refer to it as a "moo-cow valve," but I forgive him because his daughter jumps horses.
10 I own an entertainment booking agency, and swear to God, several times a year people call me thinking that I, personally, do ALL THE SERVICES available through my company. ALL of them. And they think this even though THERE ARE PHOTOS ON THE WEBSITE. Apparently I simultaneously belong to a wide variety races and genders.
11. In grad school I was the managing editor of two academic journals: Aging & Human Development and Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying.
12. See the rules above? I rewrote them, because in my expert opinion, they were badly written. I do that sort of thing ALL THE TIME. At least when it comes to editing completely irrelevant internet game instructions, I have an expensive graduate degree to back me up. For the editing part, that is. I have no excuse for the compulsion to be "helpful."
13. In the nineties, my husband took up powerlifting and set records in his weight class that have yet to be broken. One year we were special guests of Disney in Florida because he was competing in the AAU World Championships, which were at Disneyworld. They put us up in this exclusive little hotel right on the grounds, right on a lake, and there was a fireworks show every night that we could watch from our balcony. And Lia was in one of the parades. I don't know if she remembers it, though.
14. Here's a "Believe It Or Not" entry for my current barn friends: I used to exercise hard-to-ride horses, ones who were really hyper or really lazy or really diabolical, and I was never unseated. Today, of course, one buck and it's face-plant time.
15. I've had countless years of hours of lessons and saddle time at hunt seat, dressage and even saddle seat, and I still ride western better than English.
16. In a related note, I've had countless hours of experience singing pop, jazz and classical, and I'm probably best at country. I think the Universe is trying to tell me something, and I think it must have something to do with a past life, because there was nothing in my childhood to prepare me for a career as a country-singing rodeo queen!
17. All things considered, I should be more famous than this.
My daughter and her friend were at the Chandler mall -- sorry, the "Chandler Fashion Center"-- yesterday, and they said that all the stores were crowded, with lines at all the cash registers.
When my husband said, "They must be having really big sales," my daughter said that there really weren't any deep discounts. The best sale was "save ten dollars for every thirty you spend" at American Eagle. People were buying anyway.
To those who live in yucky climates: It was a totally beautiful day here in Arizona, so no one was in the mall because they couldn't be outside.
Obviously my daughter and her friend didn't visit every store in the mall. For example, they didn't check out Ann Taylor or J. Jill. But they were in every clothing store that appeals to teens and young women (more than half of the stores at the mall!) Claire's, Limited II/Justice (they appear to have merged,) the Apple store, Build-A-Bear workshop and Nordstrom's.
I think the public has decided that they are sorry that they listened to all gloom-and-doom journalists and didn't have more lavish Christmases and they are making up for it now.
(Each year that the papers report bad holiday retail sales, I scream at the newsprint -- like it does any good -- "You morons! Everyone I know starts holiday shopping in freaking JULY! We pick up things all year round, often through the magic of the Internet. How the heck do YOU know what's getting socked away for December? If the stores didn't put up their Christmas trees right after freaking LABOR DAY, maybe they would know how many "holiday sales" they really have!")
The restaurants were busy, too. I guess someone desperate for a negative headline could make something out of this: We went to Outback at 6pm, thinking there would be a forty-minute line, but there was only a thirty-minute line. "OUTBACK GOING UNDER!!!!!"
My daughter's high school officially has the dumbest firewall software ever. This isn't a matter of blocking Food.TV because they mention "chicken breasts." This is software that gets its instructions from the planet Zork. This is software that makes no sense at all.
My daughter's semester project in English is to create a blog about horses. Anyone who knows my daughter is saying, right now, "Of course!" As part of her assignment, she was supposed to show her teacher examples of similar blogs. So yesterday, in the classroom, on the school's computer, in the presence of her teacher, she tried to reach the following sites:
Horse Bloggers
Araya's Blog which she first tried to access through Stable Days.
Blocked, blocked and blocked!
Okay, I can see how in Paranoid World, Horse Bloggers might be blocked. After all, sometimes the ladies on Horse Bloggers (anyone know knows horses will not be surprised that all the blogs we checked out were women's) sometimes talk about things other than horses. Sometimes they talk about cooking, and it's possible that one of these ladies might possibly have gone so far as to post a recipe for "chicken breasts."
And I can also see how, in Really Paranoid World, Araya's Blog might be blocked. A student might decide to see what "Typepad" is all about. They will find that it's a place to host blogs. Then maybe they will starting reading those blogs. And maybe they will find stuff that their parents don't want them to see. And why make your firewall software work hard to filter out those blogs? Poor software! It's so tired! Better just ban Typepad completely!
But I cannot understand how any human on the planet Earth who is not a member of the Taliban can find anything wrong with Stable Days. It's a website about a fictional girl who rides horses. If it got any more G-rated sugar syrup would ooze out of your computer screen. Fans of the site go to Araya-the-fictional-girl's blog and post photos of their ponies, their birthday parties, their ponies' birthday parties and.... well, you get the picture. This is where I start to suspect infiltration from Zork.
And yes, I am calling the principal. I'll let you know what they say!
There were a lot of canceled corporate holiday parties this year (December 2008.) Companies would cancel even if it meant they would lose their deposits on musicians, catering and banquet rooms. Other companies, who usually plan late in the year, didn't book at all. In the past, bad economic times meant a cheaper party, not a canceled party, but this year, for many companies, el-zippo.
I think some of them are regretting this now. I think an e-mail message I just received from a regular client is the tip of the iceberg. Normally they book the same band two months in advance. This year they waited until December, asking for pricing (which hadn't changed) and then decided on no party at all. Then yesterday, January 12, they asked me if the band is available for Xmas 2009.
I think a lot of companies are now saying, "What were we, crazy?" The canceled parties probably gave the employees the impression that the company was going under, which was bad for morale, as well as the rumor mill. The companies are probably saying, "Why did we panic? We could have afforded that!" and "If we get in serious trouble, the amount we saved by canceling the party won't help."
My husband thinks that companies will plan holiday parties again this year because it's widely predicted that things will be better by next December, but I think they'll have them anyway. You can't spend every waking moment being a Gloomy Gus, and no one likes Eeyore at Christmas.
I came across this quote from St. Isaac of Nineveh today:
"Be at peace with your own soul, then heaven and earth will be at peace with you."
I've read some of St. Isaac's writings before, and am generally of the same mindset, but this time I'm not so sure.
It's easy to see how you will be at peace with the Universe in general if you are at peace with your own soul. However, there are plenty of mortals here on earth who have their own agendas, and who are definitely not in harmony with you no matter how certain you are of your own path.
Maybe some of my philosophically-minded friends will add their thoughts!
All kidding aside, I love this!
I didn't use a layout generator on this blog because I thought it looked fine, but apparently the way it is now you can only post teeny images. NOT good for posting cartoons! So now I know what I'm doing today -- programming this blog!
UPDATE: It was a quick fix!
Another fun subliminal advertising story
Yesterday: Wine. Today: Beer!
Why is Corona served with lime?
No, it has NOTHING to do with any ways people in Mexico do or do not drink beer.
According to Parade magazine, which offers no names or citations and therefore could be totally making this up or passing on a story that would make a great urban legend, in 1981 a bartender somewhere in the US stuck a lime in the neck of a Corona bottle and bet his buddy that he could start a trend.
If this is true, hope Corona found a way to reward that guy! The "lime-in-the-Corona" craze caused Corona to overtake Heineken as the best-selling imported beer in the US.
I think stories about what induces people to buy things are fascinating. Here's one from a recent Parade magazine, so of course there are absolutely no citations and it could be totally made up.
British researchers spent two weeks playing either French accordian music or German oom-pah music in the wine section of a supermarket. On French music days, 77% of shoppers bought French wines, and on German music days, almost all shoppers bought German wines.
Forty-four customers filled out a survey about their wine selections, and only one mentioned the background music as a reason for picking their particular kind of wine.
More tomorrow!
American Home Furnishings has declared bankruptcy and they are having a "huge clearance sale." We went there yesterday.
Their housewares, pictures and mirrors are 50% off. That's pretty cool, although not really a rock-bottom price. And what is more, they don't give any further discounts for damaged goods! That's right: if there are two mirrors, and one is missing some decorative tiles, it's the same price as a mirror that is intact.
Their furniture is 10% off. TEN percent? They say the prices had already been reduced, but how do we know that? We're in the market for TV stands. We saw one there that we had already seen on the internet. The "reduced price," minus the 10% discount, plus tax, made the price to match -- not beat, match -- the price on line.
I'm not sure how serious they are about liquidating their stock!
Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub;
It is on the hole in the center
that the use of the cart hinges.
We make a vessel from a lump of clay;
It is the empty space within the vessel
that makes it useful.
We make doors and windows for a room;
But it is these empty spaces
that make the room livable.
Thus, while the tangible has its advantages,
It is the intangible that makes it useful.
-- Lao Tzu
Did you know that your computer's cable internet cable could build up a static charge? Me, neither! If you mysteriously can't connect to the internet, that might be the cause.
I was on the phone with tech support, and there didn't seem to be any problem with my modem, router, or connection between my house and the cable company. I had already unplugged and replugged the cable that goes into my computer. Then I had a flash: what if my cable was actually bad?
I took my laptop to the den, and my connection was fine there. The tech support guy told me that my kitchen cable could have just up and died, but that I should try this: take my laptop back to the kitchen and reverse which ends of the cable do what (wall now goes into computer, computer now goes into wall.) It worked!
Apparently your cable can build up a static charge. Reversing the ends takes care of it.
I love it when I find a good tech support guy!
There have been eight serious studies of the effects of smoking bans on public health, but this ninth one is the most important because it's the longest. A three-year study of post-smoking-ban heart-attack rates in Pueblo, Colorado shows a decline in heart attacks of FORTY-ONE PERCENT!
For more info, go to the Center for Disease Control website.
The lesson: stay away from second-hand smoke!